Certicate of World records

All Certificate for world records

1) The world record of removing the largest stones without operation from the kidney and urinary tract is created.

★ 3 times place in American Institute Golden Book of World Records: -

A)  Without operation, removed a 20 × 9.5mm stone from the urinary tract and set a world record.

B)  Without operation, removed a 22mm stone from the kidney and set a world record.

C)  Without operation, removed a 21.3mm stone from the urinary tract and set a world record.

2) Three times  place in World Records India

A) 21.3 mm stone removed from urinary tract without operation and made a world record

B) 18 x 6.5mm stone removed from kidney without operation and made a world record

C) 24.5 x 8 mm stone removed from urinary tract without operation and made a world record

 3) Once ranked in the vajra world records

A) Without operation, remove the 21.3mm stone from the urinary tract and set a world record 

4) Honored by the Cabinet Minister, MLA Collector Shri and Minister of State for the Government of Gujarat on 15th August 2016 and 26th January 2018.
