How Many Types of Kidney stones are There?
There are four types of kidney stones.
1 calcium of stones ( calcium stones): - Most (approximately 70-80% of these types of stones) is found in patients of kidney stones. The cause of calcium stones is calcium oxalate in more patients and calcium phosphate in fewer patients.
2 struvite stones : - Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones are found in about 3-5% of patients. This type of stones causes infections in the urine and kidneys. This type of stones are more common in women.
3 uric acid stones. Uric acid stones occur in very few (about 3-5%) patients. This type of stones is at risk when urine is high and urine is acidic. - After gout, carnivorous diet, low body fluids and some chemotherapy drugs, the risk of this type of stones is high.Because the beds of uric acid are transparent, X-rays are not visible in the examination.
4 Cystine stones : - This type of stone is most commonly found in patients with rare and certain inherited cystineuria. In the urine, cystine is called cystineuria.
What is Staghorn Stone?
This type of stone is a very large strawberry type. Which are scattered throughout the kidney. Since the stone looks like a deer's horn, the name of the stone has been called stag = deer horn. This type of stone is large but the pain is negligible so it can cause a lot of damage to the kidneys.
What is a stone?
The calcium oxalate or alkali particles in the urine combine with each other to form a hard substance in the urethra in the long run, known as stones.
Stones are the main cause of red urine along with abdominal pain.
Some stones are rough, can cause unbearable pains, and do not easily pass urine.
Stones are mainly found in the kidney, urethra, or bladder, and sometimes in the urethra.
Some people are more likely to have stones for the following reasons:
The habit of drinking less water
Inheriting stones
Diet:- Vegetarian (high-protein) diets, high salt and oxalate intake and low intake of fruits and potassium in foods.
The risk of stones is much higher in men than in women.
Lying in bed for a long time
Individuals who live in warm or humid environments
Frequent urinary tract infection
Urinary tract obstruction
High levels of Vitamin C or Calcium in food
Dysfunction of Hyper Parathyroidism
Kidney stones are more prone to kidney failure due to non-painful stones.
Features of stones:-
Constant pain in the back and abdomen.
Vomiting and nausea
Blood goes in the urine.(Heamaturia)
Urinary tract pain or inflammation
If the stones are stuck in the urethra, urine stops suddenly.
Soaking in the urine.
In some patients, frequent bladder infections and urinary blockages can cause serious damage to the kidneys due to frequent stones.
Frequent infections in the urine.
Symptoms of stone pain:-
The severity of the pain and the type of pain vary from person to person. The belief that big stones cause more pain is wrong. Stone pain depends on where the stone is, how often, and what kind it is.
The pain of the bladder begins suddenly.
These pains are as hard and unbearable as they appear on a wasted day.
Rugged stones tend to cause more severe pain than large and smooth stones.
Kidney stone pain starts from the waist down and goes down to the pelvis.
Bladder stones are painful in the pelvis and in the urine.
The pain usually lasts for hours and then slowly subsides.Often the pain is so severe that the patient rushes to the doctor and needs medication or injection to relieve the pain
Radiological Check: -
Sonography: - This is a simple, low cost and readily available probe in small and large locations.Sonography can be used to diagnose stones and obstruction.
Sonography and X-ray are the main investigations for the diagnosis of stones.
X- ray KUB: - An accurate information on the size, shape and location of the beds can be done through this x-ray of kidney-ureter-bladder (x-ray KUB). The X-ray KUB is done before and after the stone treatment. Very helpful.
Ct Scan: - ( CT scan): - Diagnosis of City Scan Beds is one of the most useful investigations for the most accurate information of its size and obstruction in the urethra.
IVP ( Intravenous Pyelography) Detection: Usually these tests are performed before a definitive diagnosis and operation or treatment provided by binoculars.
This investigation provides accurate information on the size, shape and location of the stones, as well as information about the size of the kidney, its efficiency and how much it is inflamed.
Information on urinary tract infection and its severity and kidney function is obtained through urine and blood tests.
Laboratory Detection: - Urinary Tract: - Urinary tract infection and urine pH are measured by a simple urine test. Calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, magnesium, oxalate, citrate, sodium, and creatinine can be measured by urine in the collected urine for 2 hours.
Blood tests: - The most commonly used blood type (CBC), creatinine, electrolytes and blood sugar in patients with stones. In addition, check the blood needed to diagnose the cause of stones - calcium, phosphorus, uric acid and parathyroid hormone etc.
It is important to reduce the amount of salt in the diet to prevent calcium from spreading.
Stone Analysis: -
Chemical analysis of these stones is made of either substance. It is diagnosed. Based on this diagnosis, treatment is planned to prevent the re-occurrence of the stones.
For save from reoccurrence of stone,always follow the following instructions strictly.
Drink more of the liquid
Always drink excess fluid (more than 3-5 liter).This remedy plays the most important part in preventing the occurrence of stones.
Small stones can drain naturally, taking in more fluid.The urine drains cleanly like water all day, meaning that the fluid is adequately drunk.
Yellow (urine) indicates that urine fluid is taken low.It is advisable to drink more fluids during the summer as more water is released through sweat during the heat.
What kind of fluid should be taken to prevent the formation of stones?
Increased concentrations of coconut water, barley water, diluted rice, plain cold drinks (such as soda, lemon), pineapple juice, etc.
What type of fluid should not be taken by a person who has problems with stones?
Do not consume grapefruit juice, apple juice, hard tea, coffee, chocolate or cold drinks such as sugar, such as Coca Cola, all kinds of alcohol, beer, etc.
Taking salt restriction In foods, taking too much salt (salt-sodium) increases the risk of calcium bloating. Therefore, it is important for everyone on the bed to take a small amount of salt in the diet.
Avoid carnivorous foods: -
Do not take carnivorous foods like mutton, chicken, fish, eggs etc. These carnivorous diets are more likely to contain uric acid stone and calcium stone because of the high amount of uric acid in them.
Drinking excessive water is essential to treating stones and preventing recurrence.
Balanced diet : - Take a balanced diet containing high amounts of green vegetables and fresh fruits, fruits, bananas, peanuts, cherries, pineapple, and vegetables.
Avoid eating white bread, pasta, and more sugary foods, because high-fat foods help the kidneys to settle down.
Other instructions: - Do not take more vitamin C. Avoid excessive eating at night, as obese individuals have a higher risk of beds, as well as weight loss by taking a balanced diet.
Care required according to the type of stones: -
Diet for oxalate stones:-
Eat less oxalate foods as follows.
Vegetables: Tomato, eggplant, spinach, mustard, cucumber.
Fruits: strawberries, raspberries, chiku, tamarind, groundnut, cashew nuts.
Drinks: hard-boiled tea, grapefruit juice, Cadbury, cocoa, chocolate, thums-up, pepsi, cocacola.
Instructions for patients with uric acid stone:-
Drink a lot of water.
Exercise daily and lose weight.
Avoid eating pulses and non-veg foods.
Take in vegetables such as carla, lemon, and carrots more.Do not take vegetables such as flowers, spinach, tomatoes, soybeans, asparagus.
Do not consume alcoholic beverages.Do not take fat-rich foods such as salad dressings, ice cream, fried foods.
Do not take cold drinks and cold drinks containing sugar.Do not take tea / coffee more than twice a day.
☆Berberis Vulgaris:- for kidney stones on the left side.If the stone is on the left side of the body ie left kidney or left ureter, Berberis Vulgaris is more than likely to remove the stone. There is sore bruised pain in the kidney region. There may also be numbness or stiffness in the kidney region, more so in the morning. A characteristic sensation is the bubbling sensation that is aggravated by stepping or any other movement. The pain extends from the back to the urinary bladder or the urethra. It is used both in potencies and mother tinctures.
☆Cantharis:-for kidney stones with burning in urineIn cases, where there is intense burning in the urethra while passing urine, Cantharis is an excellent homeopathic medicine. Sometimes the pain is described as cutting pain. There is intense urging to urinate. One feels like passing urine just a few minutes after having emptied the bladder. Sometimes there is difficulty in passing urine and is passed drop by drop. Haemorrhage with urine may also be present.
☆Lycopodium:- for kidney stones in the right kidney. I have had great success in the treatment of right sided kidney stones with Lycopodium. Of course one needs to find other symptoms that match this great deep acting medicine. The characteristic symptom is the presence of red sand in the urine. There is intense pain in the back which gets better after urination. The urge to urinate is more during the night. Often the pain gets aggravated during the afternoon or in the evening.
☆Sarsaparilla:- for kidney stones with white sand in urine.While Lycopodium works very well in patients that have red sand in urine, Sarsaparilla is much more suited to patients that have white sediment in urine. There is intense pain at the end of urination. There is also burning and cutting in the urethra after urination. Urine passes in a stream that is thin and feeble.
☆Benzoic Acid:- for kidney stones with intense odor in urine.In patients where the urine has intense bad odour, Benzoic acid is very useful. The urine is dark brown in colour.
☆Some other medicine:-
Oxalic acid:- presence of oxalate in urine
Calc.renalis:- re-current & multiple small small calculi
Calc.carb:- break tendency of stone formation & prevent re-occurance
Apis:- albumin presence in urine
Hydrangia:- stone breaker
Ocimum can:- rt.side kidney stone
Parera brava:- stone since longtime in kidney
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