investigation,prvention and its Homeopathic treatment
Some magical result with homeopathic medicine
>one patient suffer from piles since 9 months
no pain
some time itching at anus
hot pt
external piles
alllergy to allopathc medicine
Rx:-sulphur,nux vomica
>one lady patient suffer from itching whole over body since 5 to 6 months
swelling like appear some time
red line mark appear at affected area
more itching at evening
itchin releive with cold water bath
Rx:-sulphur 1m 1 dose only and apis 30 ods
>one patient suffer from contact dermatitis since 4 months
balck discolouration of skin at affected area
scales exfoliation some time
more scratches causes bleeding
Rx:-china ars,arsenic alb
>one patient suffer from throat pain
itching in throat
Rx:-belladona phytolacca
>one patient suffer from gas and acidity
epigastric pain,
back pain,vertigo,
leucorrhoea,eractaton after eating,
tremor while back pain,
pain at menses
Rx:-sulphur,aesafoitida,nux vomca
>one patient suffer from ring worm since3 months
location:-both thigh,gluteal region,bread
itching severe
no burning
more itchng at night
Rx:-bacilinum rhus tox
>one patient suffer from itching whole over body
eruption like appear
burning after scratches
cracks on both heels
desire salty++++
Rx:-sulphur nat mur,petrolium
> one patient suffer from mental disturbances with vertigo
sleeplessness since 2 years
continous thinking
age 70 years
Rx:-berberis vulgaris give final result
caustcum nat mur arsenic ignatia all fails
> pt. have complaint of psoriasis since 8 yrs
Location:-back,on head,both leg and both head
white scales exfoliation
more complaint in every winterb season
>one patient have allergic reaction of allopathic medicine
Rx;- sulphur 1m single dose complete cure
>14 yrs child suffer from eczema since 4 yrs
sticky discharge after scratches
locaion :-both leg
Rx:-sulphur graphtes.complete cure in 14 months
>one patient have fissure since 3months
itcing++ at anus
stool pass cause severe pain
past history of chronic constipation
Rx:-hamemalis 30 tds nux vom 200 ods cure
silicea,calc flour,acid nit fail to get result
>one patient have facial warts since 6 months
no tching and no any other complaint
also suffer from constipaton
Rx:-thuja 1m wekly one dose and nux 30 tds for 3 months cure all warts
causticum,acid phos,ant crud,fails
> one patient have corns on both hands
approx...16 corns
yellowish in colour
Rx:-thuja ant crud silicea and acid phos use for complete tretment
all corns remove in 45 days
>one lady have left breast tumor
reoccurance appear
size changes with menstrual cycle
R:-thuja 1m weekly dose conum mac 30 tds phytolacca 30tds get complete result in 9 months
>one 35 yrs lady suffer fro lecorrhoea
itching at vagina
whitish yellow discharge
easily tired
Rx:-puls.1m single dose nat mur 200 ods get result
allumina,fer phos,kreosotum,fails to result
> 27 yrs woman suffer from amenrrhoea since 3 months
Rx:-pulsetila gosipium
>one patient suffer from acidity
epigastric region:-burning+++
also pain at epigastric region
eactation after eating
Rx:-robinia and iris v
>one patient suffer from chronic constipation
passes stool one time per 3-4 days
stool passes in hard consistancy
Rx:-nux vomica and borax
> 54 yrs old patient suffer from chronic dysentry since 3 yrs
4-5 time passes stool per day
each time passes in slight quantity with much mucu
Rx:-merc sol
>one child have white spot on both cheeks
no itching
past history of having worm infestation
Rx:-tellurium and nat ars
>one child suffer from worm infestation since 5 months
itching at anus
lying on abdomen
itching in nose always
> 7 yrs child suffer from severe tonsilitis with fever
cant eat well and drink
even drink water causes more pain
Rx:-bella merc sol
>one patient suffer from migrain since 2 yrs
headache 1 time per 10-15 dys
pain followed by vomiting
unilateral headache each time
no releif after vomiting
Rx:-melilotus 30,
>one patient have right sided sciatica
pain severe and unbearable
difficulty in waking
also back pain
Rx:-mag phos 6x,rhus tox 30
>one patient suffer from allergic asthma snce childhood
age 13 yrs male
complaint of dyspnoea cough with white expextoration
thin in appearance
Rx:-tuberculinum histamine blatta orientalis use for 18 months then get final result
arsenis kali bich pothos fail
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As a sign of gratitude for how my husband was saved from dysentery pile, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
ReplyDeleteMy husband was diagnosed of dysentery pile in 2013 and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was my all and the symptoms were terrible, he had difficulty eating, and he always complain of stomach pain. we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure him. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and he left the contact of the doctor who had the cure to dysentery pile. I never imagined dysentery pile has a cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my husband will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my husband used it and in one months he was fully okay even up till this moment he is so full of life. dysentery pile has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on drwilliams098765@gmail.com on how to get the medication. Thanks for reading my story